it's taryn and i'm back and omfg hi !!
the daily taryn
a daily writing project about everything and maybe also nothing and also it's not always daily
january 21st, 2020
Woah woah woah.
Hi, it's me. It's been far too long, for both of us it sounds like. For you, because I said I'd be better with writing consistently. Better with sharing my thoughts — complete and incomplete and everything in between. And for me, because I miss this. Because I worked too hard to create a reader-base that felt like a family — a little hole on the internet that felt more whole than hole.
(That whole/hole thing felt poetic for a second, but then ending on "hole" made me actually cringe. Hole? Ew. The writer in me wants to delete it but the lols in me is keeping it, because lols matter.)
All to say, I missed you and you missed me and that's fun for us all, huh? Happy New Year. Happy 2020. Happy January. Happy Tuesday night. Happy right now. There's so much new to celebrate. I actually can't explain how much new there is in my life right now.
New friends. New room. New goals. New workouts. New routines. New girlfriend. New TV shows. New favorite photos of Justin Bieber. New sheets. New me. New. So much new.
But what's crazy about new things is that they create old things, instantly. New this means old that. New favorite sweater? Now you have an old favorite sweater. New love? You've got an old love, and that old love was once a new love. New sheets? Cozy as fuck, which means something too. Old isn't always bad. Old is just old. Old is different. Sometimes old means irrelevant. Sometimes old means bad. Sometimes old means vintage and cool and special. Sometimes you miss old, and sometimes old literally gets so old you forget about it altogether.
It's 2020 — a new year. For me, a new year means two things.
First, it means I have an excuse to get excited to make changes. A lot of people see resolutions as a gimmick, which, I get. It is sometimes. It's used to sell products and memberships and yada yada. But it's also just an easy excuse to do something. To make change. I get to ride on the momentum of every gym and "new year, new you" marketing email and every person on instagram talking about their wild new self. It can be annoying or it can be motivating. You choose, cutie pie.
Secondly, it gives me a reason to choose what's new and what's old. What stays and what goes. What matters to me now and what won't matter anymore.
Cool. Well, that's it for tonights' ramble.
Here's a question for you to think about: what is/will be new for you this year? What's old? What are you leaving behind?
Remember — you can literally reply to this email and it goes straight into my inbox and I read every word and love every second of it. Please do.
Talk soon. Perhaps next week? Does The Daily Taryn become the weekly Taryn? I'd fuck with it if you would.
Your friend,
P.S. If you have friends, family, or idk anyone really who might like to be subscribed to this newsletter — help a sister out and it forward it on. You can also send them to my website or this landing page specific to the newsletter. Okay, love you. Bye. Also, you can listen to my little podcast iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Sticher, or Anchor.