it's tuesday and that's cute
the daily taryn
a not so daily writing project about everything and maybe also nothing
may 12th, 2020
It's generally understood that a "hi" with more 2+ i's means the hi-er is feeling some type of way. If you're following, you understand that I've had a day that I am very, very excited to retire from.
Nothing horrible went down — just a lot of small annoyances back to back. Had an over 2 hour drive. Skipped my workout. Didn't get a package I was really wanting. Watched my dogs fight and make up 340928 times. Ate cheez-it's for dinner. Opened a sub-par bottle of wine.
Yes, I know how stupid this sounds. I want you to know that. I know that people had worse days than me. A lot of people, actually. But I'm just in a mood and I don't have the energy to shake it.
And you know what? The only thing that made me feel a little like "aw, all is not lost" was thinking of emailing you and letting you know that if you're having a bad-ish day (but not that bad), it's okay. And me too.
Gratitude helps attitude (did I just make that up??? It's amazing), so here's something I'm grateful for. Thanks for reading things I write. You don't know what it means to me.
Talk soon? Cool.
Your friend,
P.S. If you have friends, family, or idk anyone really who might like to be subscribed to this newsletter — help a sister out and it forward it on. You can also send them to my website or this landing page specific to the newsletter. Okay, love you. Bye. Also, you can listen to my little podcast iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Sticher, or Anchor.