Ahem... Is this thing on?
hi, it's taryn
3 minute read
Hoooooly crap. How did I get here, you ask? You probably have no recollection of ever signing up for this (my friend newsletter). Well, lucky for me, you did. Also lucky for me, it's really hard to unsubscribe from things these days, so you're kinda stuck with me.
I have a quick story to tell you, and then a request.
This first part, you already know: last year, I was thinking about starting a newsletter where I could send people longer-than-tweet-sized updates on my life. I got some sign-ups (hello, 98 of you!) and then never, ever sent one, only because I didn't want to design it.
Now this second part, you don't know yet. I realized that you don't have to package things well for them to be worth opening, so I was kinda kicking myself for never getting this off the ground. Then, this morning, I woke up and remembered I missed writing. In true Taryn fashion, I decided to go from 0 to 100, real quick. I decided that instead of just taking things slow, I would commit to writing every day of December, then sharing it with you (hello, one email every day!).
I asked people on Instagram and Twitter if they'd send along some questions/prompts for me to start with. I've already got some incredible ones — about my sexuality, my favorite books, my inner dialog, my possible career paths. I'm stoked.
AND HERE'S WHERE YOU COME IN. Oh yeah. Reply to this email and ask me anything. I mean it. Ask me anything. Nothing is off limits. I will try my hardest to get to it this month (or maybe next month, if this whole thing goes well).
Okay, think that's it. Dang, this is fun. Thanks for having me. It's good to be here. I can't wait to see what happens next.
If you have a friend that you think might get a kick out of this newsletter, get them signed up here.