I just wrote the date — obviously ending it with “2023” — and was shocked by how normal 2023 felt. Every new year, it feels like it takes literal months to get used to writing the correct year instead of the one we left behind.
But damn. Something about 2023. Feels right.
One little big goal
Are you a goal person? I can’t tell if I am. I definitely identify as a goal person — someone who does new years rezys and mood boards and knows the north star for the next however long — but in reality, I can’t name a single goal I have. The list of possible goals I could have is long and growing, but the list of one’s I’ve committed to does not exist.
This year, my goal is to have a goal, and to stick to it.
I’m a goalie.
(It’s a person who has goals. I just made it up.)
And my goal this year is consistency.
It’s not to shoot for the moon. It’s not to lose 20 lbs. It’s not to write every day. It’s not perfection.
It’s consistency. Doing the things I like and/or have to do more consistently. Daily? Not necessarily. But more. And then a little more. Again — not to perfection — but enough to where the things I’m consistent with become so consistent, I view them as a part of my identity.
I consistently work out — more days than not — so I’m someone who works out consistently.
I consistently talk to my friends — not every day but a lot of days — so I’m someone who talks to her friends consistently.
I consistently get my shit done on time at work — not every single time, but most times — so I’m someone who gets my shit done on time at work.
That’s my goal for the year — not perfection, but to consistently pursue consistency of the things I want to be consistent with.
Care to share your goal(s) for the year? And if you don’t have any but are curious about trying, try this: close your eyes, right now (i mean after you read this sentence obviously), and think of a work you want your year to be about. There you have it. Your goal.
It doesn’t have to be complicated. Share yours in the comments if you so pleaseeee — I’d love it!
Talk soon.
your friend,
PS — it’s good to be back. I’m going to get more consistent about this newsletter. Just you wait.
My goal is a career change. I want my hobby to become my full time job, which is a huge goal, but it's only January.