Happy morning/afternoon/evening to you, wherever you are in the world.
Spoiler: this newsletter has nothing of use. I’m not even joking. It’s pointless — an absolute brain dump — but I wanted to say hi.
Okay, begin.
Can I complain for 30 seconds before I ask for something? I know that’s the actual least enticing question in the world (let me be a bitch and then ask you to do something hahahah) but if you’re one of the daily taryn readers, I know you’d let me.
Complain clock, begin:
Cam and I are watching the *worst* show on Netflix called Dare Me. It’s like someone woke up and said, “Let’s ruin Bring It On by remaking it with no one likable, lots of glitter, and weird sexual tension between a coach and her cheer squad that are 1000% the same age in real life.”
I’ve got a headache that I’ve had for the better half of the last week. I embarrassingly think it’s because we stopped drinking (dry January vibes), which is so scary and shows how often we were drinking in 2020. I’m happy to be taking a break, but good lord, it’s harder than I want it to be.
Work has been busy like crazy since December, which is both exciting and a lot while I’m also trying to focus on new year things, like working out and eating healthy and being cute. Ya know?
Back to the cheerleading show — they’re doing an awful cheer routine that is lowkey not good I think? How is this a show? Whatever.
DING. Times up.
Here’s the part where I ask you something!
As you may know, I relaunched my podcast last week (listen to the newest episode on making money while you sleep through investing here). I’m so excited about it. I launched an instagram for it (@stuckwithtaryn) and I’m trying new things and I just really, truly love it. I tried a new ice breaker and I can’t tell if it’s cute or stupid, and that’s where I need your help.
I thought it’d be fun to kick off every episode with “loving. learning. lost.” where the guest and I go back and forth sharing something we’re loving (a movie, book, new hobby, etc.), something we’re learning (in therapy, from the Discovery Channel, etc.), and somewhere we’re lost (aka stuck).
Is that fun? Is that interesting? If you don’t know, maybe try it? Literally go down to the comments on this post and answer your “loving learning lost,” or share it on your story and tag me. I can’t tell if it’s cute or a waste of time. No hard feelings either way.
Okay, thanks. Hope you’re having a nice morning/day/night. Hope something made you laugh today. Hope something made you go “woah” or “aw” or “no way” in a good way.
Talk soon.
Your friend,
If you’d like to comment/share thoughts/etc., please do in the comments of this post! I read and respond to everything.
If you’d like to read other things I’ve made recently, head here.
If you want to support this newsletter, you can 1) share it with people you love (tag me if you do!), 2) buy me a coffee, or 3) become a monthly member where you get stuff I only send to members. <3
this is cute & not a waste of time...
Loving: ice cream from trader joe’s called “hold the cone” they’re so mini and cute and yummy!
Learning: to accept life’s timeline and just let it be!
Lost: finding daily motivation
Loving: your podcast!
Learning: to find balance between living at home & working from home
Lost: stuck between wanting to do more (side jobs, workout, whatever) and being tired (like I need to do less)