hello my friends.
it’s a no caps kinda day, because your girl is getting hit from all sides. i got a root canal last week and it’s still impossible to chew on that side, so that’s fun. because of that, i’m on all sorts of pills — antibiotics and steriods galore. but this morning, i wrote you a song about the worst offender — my period, who has chosen to attack me from the inside out.
these original and depressing lyrics are:
awful. totally, totally awful. please don’t take this as me being serious.
meant to be sung to the tune of katy perry’s firework.
do you ever feel like a crampy bitch
who's bleeding and sad
just wants her mom and dad
do you ever feel not paper thin at all
in fact the opposite
like a big matzo ball
do you ever feel like it’s time to give up
shed tears into a pad
or maybe a diva cup
do you know that there’s still a chance for you
cuz there’s still blood in you…
you just gotta give in
to it all
just curl up
in a ball
just own the cramps
grab a hand full of tamps
bb ur a crampy a bitchy
it's sad but just deal with it
when they hurt say ah ah ah
and slam some mi dol dol dol
anddddd scene.
thank you all. sending love and zero cramps and soft blankies.
talk soon.
your friend,
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Your version without a doubt best one I´ve ever read
Loved it! Snubbed by Grammy. Sucks. Heard that was a big thing this year. 🤔