Loving- reading My Inner Sky: On Embracing Day, Night, and All the Times in Between by Mari Andrew

Learning- to love/accept myself (may or may not be why I'm reading your stuff to begin with - the whole Christian/gay thing really, really resonated)

Lost- see learning answer I guess lol

Thanks for your words, and I hope that today gets a little better for you :)

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anxious ppl unite 🤝. i’m sorry you’re feeling anxious, it can be debilitating. but i hope you can get a long 30 second hug, a glass of water, and lay in your yard in the sun for 10 minutes.

i used to love taking photos but mental health and life dampened the enjoyment but i’m trying to spark that again.

i’m learning that intrusive thoughts are more prominent than i thought and even though they won’t ever fully go away, it’s something i can work on.

i’m lost in life. it’s like i have every opportunity and at the same time have none. i know you have to move in a direction to see if it’s the right one but i’m tired of pivoting. i don’t even need the entire map, i just want the grid and have some concrete walkway.

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omg SIS. thanks for your note.

- you go take those photos. don't wait until you're in the mood to do it. just go do it. the mood follows.

- intrusive thoughts are very trendy rn lol soo many friends talking about this. you're not alone!

- one step at a time my friend. one. little. step.

anxious ppl united here today folks.

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- ugh I know you're right but o o f it's hard sometimes.

- honestly very comforting to hear because in my circle, mental health doesn't exist and intrusive thoughts definitely don't either *face palm*.

- ❤️

how's your anxiety now that the day has continued on? You get that hug, water, and sun?

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i'm loving the fact that i get a whole week off work in a couple days. i work with under 5s and it'll be my first week off since october. it's hard and emotionally draining, but so rewarding. i'm really looking forward to just doing nothing.

i'm learning how to be okay without my best friend who ghosted me mid conversation in january. we'd known each other 8 years and we met online; i'm british and he's american, so it's not like i'll ever bump into him at the supermarket, you know? we met for the first and probably the last time irl in the summer of 2019.

i'm also learning how to not second guess and gaslight myself! having friends is hard these days and MAKING friends feels impossible because i am in constant fear of losing someone in the same way. but i am learning.

i'm struggling with being a functioning human being but it comes in waves and i know i'll be okay. sending you love from across the pond. anxiety is a dumb ass bitch hehe

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what i just read was certainly written by a functional human being. it all comes in waves like you said but waves pass. always.

also some best friend :| tell me where in america cuz i'll go TALK TO THIS BOI.

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your wave of anxiety will pass too. brains are so weird & so annoying at times right

haha he is from nj. thank u taryn that made me laugh

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Loving: Getting excited for the Olympics (especially women’s soccer + gymnastics!)

Learning: That I have a lot of ish to figure out and work through. Learning that I need to…learn.

Lost: How do I get motivatedddddd?!?!

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I’m so excited for women’s soccer and gymnastics in the olympics too! I’m seeing the uswnt at their send off series

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I was so excited for the roster yesterday.

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Ditto! Super stoked for Kristie Mewis

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first of all, look at you miss popular! all these comments - you struck a chord with your olympic talk :)

motivation is so hard but mood follows action. start doing, and the motivation follows.

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I feel like I may have ghostwritten this response. My poor friends dealing with my WoSo/Olympics obsession since approximately the 2019 World Cup despite none of them understanding sports, and literally the rest of life is just... ???

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loving learning lost

Hey Taryn, I'm new at my job and writing stuff always helps me. Homies help homies, as they say

The thing that I am loving right now is people. In this year in particular, people have been so resilient through the election, the pandemic, as if life isn't already messy as is. We really don't give everybody enough credit for what a shit show this whole simulation really has been

The thing I'm learning right now is my work. I'm a contractor at a really awesome luxury retail store. It's so freaking awesome. I want to do a really good job, and I try really really hard. So I'm learning a bunch of new stuff. Like how to ask questions without feeling like they're dumb, and respecting that my questions are good ones, because I'm smart, don't need to be my own hater, you know what I mean.

The thing that I'm lost in right now is bravery at work. Being new is difficult as a motherfucker! Going to meetings is scary, talking is scary, offering my perspective is scary, and so I'm learning and I'm a little lost, but it's a good kind. A kind that even if I present an idea and my voice shakes, it's still cool because of all the things that I learned just to have the idea, all the experiences that led me to be the person that had an idea that was worth giving to the team.

Anyway. Have an awesome day. I wrote that thing at the top because I wanted to leave it there so I could refer back to it as my prompt. I was going to delete it but it's a little too human.

Presence is looking for you too!!!

Having a good lunch


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and you're right - you, homie, just helped me, homie.

love where you're at with people and work. and about feeling bravery - the secret is knowing that everyone feels exactly how you feel. literally. everyone, haha. imposter syndrome is so real at every level of an organization, from CEOs to the day one hire.

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I loving going kayaking and watching movies!

I’m learning to see and recognize the inner strength I have through exercise and healthy living.

I lost so friends and relationships because I’ve been working on my health and I’ve had to learn to accept that.

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gosh this really makes me wanna go kayaking <3 working on health is so exhausting sometimes but it's always always worth it. go you!

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You should go! It is exhausting but worth it. This is a very cool idea!! Thanks

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Hi!! I’m sorry you’re feeling anxious, sending lots of love and positivity.

Right now, I’m loving getting back into some old music and playlists I made years ago. Some of my favourites have been- Amy wine house, and joy crookes!

I’m trying to learn to be better at being kind to myself and doing things for no productivity reasons and purely self care. And say no to things that don’t feel right for me.

Feeling a little lost and stuck in being homesick. I moved to the states and still haven’t really found my people yet.

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all good things here. all good things. nothing like old music, being nicer to yourself, and having friends/home that's good enough to miss.

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Loving: I’m in the beach, so I’m loving the fresh air and the ocean :)

Learning: How to handle my anxiety

Lost: regarding my sexuality I’m really lost, and wether I shiuld come out to my christian family or not

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Hey Taryn,

I completely get you on the “should i try medication” front and i decided i couldnt take the constant anxiety and found medication really helped. If you think it could help you, it might be a good option for a little while.

The thing im loving right now is really getting to know myself more. At the start of covid i had to move back in with my parents and away from friends etc so have had a lot of time really getting to know myself and its been great. Having time to focus on yourself mid twenties is a magic thing.

Learning right now is to do with my job. I’m a marine scientist and study birds interactions with wind farms so everyday you learn something new which makes every job day exciting.

Lost right now in my freedom a bit. Despite being at my parents house and having time to focus on myself, its meant i feel a bit trapped. Moving back in my with parents has been frustrating and i miss that aspect of having my own space.

Hope you feel better !

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loving: a good ole plain bagel with cream cheese on saturday morning from my favorite little coffee shop

learning: how to celebrate the season i’m in without focusing on everything that hasn’t fallen into place yet

lost: navigating unemployment/the job search

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Yay for asking for help on anxious days! I did that the other day when unexpectedly triggered and it felt so good.

Loving: Ben and Jerry's froyo, the In the Heights Movie (saw it the other night and my heart is still so full!), the fact that tomorrow is Friday! Also loving all these comments!

Learning: That it's okay to slow down sometimes and it doesn't take away from my productivity. Also learning that I am pretty awesome just the way I am.

Lost: I'm currently stuck in a career that I'm not a huge fan of and causes me a lot of stress. I'm always casually looking but I don't know where to make my next move of what to do. I'm grateful for a pay check and a comfortable place to hang out while I figure it out but lost feels like a good word to describe the negative side of it.

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Taryn! Gotchu sis.

Loving: living with my parents this summer for a law school internship. I really thought I would hate it and would hate not being independent like im used to, but I’ve been feeling extra grateful lately because I get to appreciate how cool my parents are for a bit longer. High school/college me is probably shocked. That’s life. Also we have a golden puppy - can’t go wrong there.

Learning: taking the time this summer to figure out how to best live with my anxiety and the pressure to do well in school so I can go back in the fall and be more in the moment.

Lost: feeling like my first year back in school really took it out of me and feeling like I lost myself and my joy a bit somewhere along the way. Trying to find those bits in the best places I know where to find them: relationships and friendships.

Sending you a whole lotta joy!

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Hey taryn,

Loving: driving up the east coast of Australia for an indefinite amount of time and it is beautiful!

Learning: really diving deep into the prison system and educating my self on the foundation of it to the evolution of what we have today - currently reading discipline and punish - Michael Foucault

Lost: the urge to be a part of society / a system that requires to live around your work life.

Hope this helps!

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loving: paper embroidery. i've been making cards for friend's birthdays and other events and it brings me so much more into the present, gives me something to do with my hands while listening to music or podcasts, and creates a reason for sending snail mail which is just the best

learning: how to live with uncertainty, especially in terms of my health anxiety which was of course exacerbated by miss rona

lost: feeling pretty lost in the social realm of life lately. things haven't quite opened up in my country and i'm feeling stuck with the lack of in person connection. would give anything to receive a big long hug and feel that physical closeness right now. grateful for this lil thread that makes me feel a bit less alone in the meantime <3

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I'm having one of these days too, so it's good to know I'm not alone! Your personification of anxiety gets an A+!

Loving: Catching up on things I missed in childhood. I grew up pretty sheltered, so even at 25 there are sooo many movies/books/shows/etc. I haven't experienced. Recently I watched a few of the Harry Potter movies for the first time and also watched Iron Man last night! Also, I'm loving being vaccinated!!! It's been so good to go out to get drinks with friends, go out to eat with my boyfriend, and just not feel scared to leave the house anymore.

Learning: To stand up for myself, to tell people no. To figure out what I really want in life vs. what I think other people are expecting of me. To enjoy quiet moments and not stress out about downtime. To do creative things that scare the shit out of me!

Lost: Working from home has its ups and downs. I'm SO grateful to have a good-paying job, but I feel so lonely and unmotivated a lot of days. Even after doing this since March 2020, I'm still feeling stuck and like I'm not making a difference at work. I'm also struggling with family. Both of my grandmothers are having health problems. My Nona is having severe memory issues, and my Grandma has terminal cancer. My parents are stretched thin trying to take care of both of them and work, and I can tell it's putting a strain on their marriage. Both my sister and I are helping as we can, (I'm sitting in my Grandma's room with her typing this right now) but I always feel like I'm not doing enough either for my family or for work as a result.

I hope your day gets better! Literally writing this out made me feel much better! :)

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Hi Taryn!

Right now I'm loving the book I'm currently reading (Killing Commendatore by Haruki Murakami), learning to take myself gently and with care rather than judgement and harshness (a long, ongoing process) and a bit lost on what to do regarding my living situation (in between moving apartments, things are messy). Mostly, I want to focus on the fact that at the end of the day, everything will always be okay. I hope you're okay too. Thank you for being a beam of light in this lovely corner of the internet. Sending love to you and those you love 💌

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