I mean, we all are.
I’m sitting in my backyard, finishing up my Monday workday with a lime lacroix and a sports show on in the background. It’s a new obsession — a show called Real Sports that’s basically 60 Minutes but specifically for sports stories. This episode has been about the lack of Black football coaches, the rise in chess, and how Wim Hof and his ability to raise his temperature in freezing water is… insane.
I’m looking at the mountains next to our house (pictured above) and noticing how still everything is.
Spin around real quick
Seriously. I know you won’t but imagine you just stood up and spun your body around a couple times. You’d probably get a bit dizzy and, if you’re like me, become convinced you’re brain will never return to normal.
Now, try to put a miles per hour on how fast your spin is. I don’t even know how you’d begin to do that, but let’s pretend that if you laid on the floor and rolled for a mile, it’d probably take you… an hour? At least? And imagine how fucking dizzy you’d be.
NOW. The truth is, you’re currently spinning at about 1000mph. Like, that is fact. The earth is spinning 1000 mph and I’m just sitting here with my little drink and my little computer and I feel NOTHING. And that’s not the trendy “i fEeL nOThInG” — I mean I am not dizzy — and hopefully you aren’t either — despite that fact that you are currently on a ball that is floating in space spinning 1000mph. A speed that’s faster than you’ll ever, EVER go. Unless you go to space itself.
You don’t feel it when it’s constant
I feel everything — I swear, I could call an earthquake seconds before seismographs do. Lazy, insensitive little machines, really.
But I can’t feel the fact that I’m standing on a thing that spins 1000mph because the motion is constant. It doesn’t change. We always spin this fast, and we’d only feel it if it accelerated or decelerated, much like when you’re on a plane and it changes speeds.
So regardless of the insane speed we’re going, we don’t feel it because it’s constant. That’s so crazy to me, but it explains a lot.
It explains why we get stressed when life picks up, or get sad when things slow down. It explains why we maybe don’t think about how shitty a relationship or job or situation is until we’re away from it — until we take a trip or vacation or something that interrupts it’s constant nature.
It explains a lot.
Break the constancy
I’m going to try to mix up the pace. Not in how the earth spins, but in my day-to-day. In the way I eat. How I spend my mornings. How I talk, both to others and myself. Maybe it’ll wake me up, showing me what I couldn’t see when I was going 1000 mph.
Maybe try it too?
Talk soon <3
Your friend,
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But how? You know? Like when everything feels constant and mundane and same old same old and boring but easy and comfortable...how do you break it? I know the answer is 'You just do. You break it and do something different.' But then I'd respond...okay, but what? What do I do differently when everything feels constant and boring, but breaking out of that feels scary and overwhelming and hard? K now I'm using this comment section as my own personal journal, but I'd be genuinely curious to know the ways in which you plan to mix it all up a bit. Maybe it'll give me some ideas. Or inspiration. Or encouragement that if someone else can do it, I can too. Or something. Thanks friend.